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75th Reunion


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For over 75 summers, the H.F. Schindler Family has held an annual reunion. Since 1949, the reunion has been held on the fourth Sunday in July and has convened at Clair United Methodist Church in St. Joseph, Missouri.

Since the first gathering in 1929, a major part of every H.F. Schindler family reunion is the business meeting, held immediately after a pot-luck lunch. Four officers preside over the meeting and discuss any business relating to the family.

The minutes of these meetings have been kept in the "Family Book" for years and are an interesting glimpse into our family's past and the society of our country.

The minutes in this section have been faithfully reproduced from their original entries. All typos remain as initially submitted. Only minor formatting changes for web publishing purposes have altered the original minutes. For reference purposes, U.S. historical events relating to the corresponding year's minutes are located on the left side of each page.

To access the minutes, select one of the decades below.

  1929   1970s
  1930s   1980s
  1940s   1990s
  1950s   2000s
  1960s   2010s

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