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World Series: San Francisco Giants

Best Picture: The King's Speech

July 24, 2010

The 82nd H.F. Schindler Family Reunion was held on July 24, 2010 at the Clair United Methodist Church beginning with a time of fellowship. Rodney Sander then gave the blessing and a delicious potluck dinner was enjoyed by all.

President Marva Murawski called the meeting to order and introduced the current officers:
Vice President Karla Schindler Wilson (absent)
Secretary Linda Schneider Worthen
Treasurer Hilton Sander

Stan Kapp and Rodney Sander led the family in singing Grandmother Schindler's favorite song, "Saved by Grace." Marilyn Grauberger provided piano music.

Acknowledgements were made for:
1. Family members who traveled the greatest distance to attend: Bill, Deloris, and Lon Schindler (Texas)
2. Oldest family member present: Marge Sander (94)
3. Youngest family member present: Franklin Sander Duke (2)
4. Guest: Mona Musslewhite

Linda Worthen read the 2009 minutes which were then approved. Roger Ford read the minutes from 50 years ago which had been prepared by his Aunt Dorothy.

Treasurer Hilton Sander reported a balance of $243.00. A basket will be put out for a free will offering.

The Roll Call of the 434 family members was read by the following: Linda Worthen, Terri Modlin, Kris Thompson, Hilton Sander, Roger Ford, Stan Kapp, David Schindler, and Marva Murawski. Forty-one members were present.

The family was blessed to have the following first cousins present: Marilyn Grauberger, Wayne Schindler, Dwight Schindler, Lee Schneider, and Bill Schindler.

With sadness Marva read the names of deceased family members: Ronald Paul Larson, Doris Schneider, Darlene Schneider, Dale Ammon, Charles Filipiak, Kenny Schindler, and Leroy Schindler. Tributes for these family members were given by Bill Schindler, Marilyn Grauberger, and Wayne Schindler. Condolences were also given to the families of Beverly, mother of Linda Worthen, and Barbara Swing, the mother of Kris Thompson, Kurt, and Karl Schindler.

Marva welcomed new members by marriage: Noemi Schindler, Heather Sander, and Lauren Schindler and by birth: Logan Zemler, Mary Ann Northern, Jess Rice, Blake Kretzschmer, Hadley Schindler, Miranda McDonnell.

Old Business:
The President introduced the past topic of having the family meal catered. One of the Sunday School Classes from the Clair Church has volunteered to prepare a meal for the cost of $8.00 per plate for adults and $4.00 for children. They would not require advance reservations. They also agreed to provide ice cream if members would like to bring desserts. Lon Schindler moved to have the meal catered for 2011, it was seconded by Shirley Ford. After discussion, the motion was approved. Other old business was the approval of donating $125 for the use of the Clair Church.

New Business:
The President thanked Lee and Nina Schneider for their continued efforts in providing information for the Schindler Family Book and to Karl Schindler for his work on the family website. Dwight Schindler, Chairman of the Nominating Committee provided the following names for 2011 officers:
President: Karla Schindler Wilson
Vice President: Linda Schneider Worthen
Secretary: Hilton Sander
Treasurer: Michele Hibbs

The group approved the slate of officers. The family then answered the trivia questions about the Schindler Family which were on the placemats provided by Clair Church Secretary Vicki McDonald.

Joys and Concerns:
Lucille Schneider's birthday is July 22. She will be 98.
Luella Schindler's birthday is August 27. She will be 90.

Marva announced the date of the 83rd reunion: July 23, 2011 at Clair United Methodist with fellowship time beginning at 3:00 pm, followed by a catered meal at 5:30 and then a family meeting. She then invited the group to join in a Friendship Circle to sing "Blest be the Tie that Binds."

Marva Murawski


World Series: St. Louis Cardinals

Best Picture: The Artist

July, 2011

The 83rd H.F. Schindler Family Reunion was held on July 23, 2011 at the Clair United Methodist Church beginning with a time of fellowship. Dwight Schindler then gave the blessing for a delicious dinner provided by the Starlight Circle of Clair Church.

In the absence of Karla Schindler Wilson, Wayne Schindler called the meeting to order and introduced the current officers:
Vice President Linda Schneider Worthen
Secretary Hilton Sander
Treasurer Michele Hibbs

Marva Murawski and Nina Schneider led the family in singing Grandmother Schindler's favorite song, "Saved by Grace." Marilyn Grauberger provided piano music.

Acknowledgements were made for:
1. Family members who traveled the greatest distance to attend: Larry and Marilyn Grauberger and David (Colorado)
2. Oldest family member present: Luella Schindler (91)
3. Youngest member present: Franklin Sander Duke (3)

Linda Worthen read the 1961 minutes from 50 years ago. Hilton Sander read the 2010 minutes.

Treasurer Michele Hibbs reported a balance of $218.00. A basket will be put out for a free will offering.

The Roll Call of the family was read by members of each family. Thirty-eight were present.

The family was blessed to have the following first cousins present: Lee Schneider, Marilyn Grauberger, Wayne Schindler, and Dwight Schindler (Bill Schindler from Texas was not able to attend the reunion.)

With sadness Wayne read the name of one deceased family member: Marjorie Sander. A wonderful memorial was given by Beverly Sander Corn remembering her Aunt Marjorie.

Wayne welcomed new member by marriage: Lindsay Nicole Lewis Schindler and by birth: Macie Jean Keith and Jack Henry Priest.

Old Business:
Discussed continuing to cater the meal, Update the Web Site and to meet at Clair Church. The acting President thanked Lee and Nina Schneider for their continued efforts in providing information for the Schindler Family Book.

New Business:
Discussed any changes to make a difference for the Reunion. Marva Murawski, Chairman of the Nominating Committee provided the following names of 2012 officers:
President — Linda Schneider Worthen
Vice President — Hilton Sander
Secretary — Michele Hibbs
Treasurer — Jacob Modlin
The group approved the slate of officers.

Wayne announced the date of the 84th reunion: July 21, 2012 at Clair United Methodist Church beginning at 3:00 p.m., followed by a catered meal at 5:30 p.m. and then a family meeting. Rod Sander closed with prayer and we then sang "Blest be the Tie that Binds."

Hilton Sander


World Series: San Francisco Giants

Best Picture: Argo

July, 2012

The 84th H.F. Schindler Family Reunion was held on July 21, 2012 at the Clair United Methodist Church beginning at 3:00 p.m. with a time of fellowship. Dwight Schindler then gave the blessing for a delicious pot luck dinner with the meat provided by Nina Schneider and Terri Modlin, which was enjoyed by all.

President Linda Schneider Worthen called the meeting to order and introduced the current officers:
Vice-president — Hilton Sander
Secretary — Michele Hibbs
Treasurer — Jacob Modlin

Terri Modlin led the family in singing Grandmother Schindler’s favorite song, “Saved by Grace.” Marilyn Grauberger provided piano music.

Acknowledgements were made for:
1) Family members who traveled the greatest distance to attend: Larry, Marilyn, and David Grauberger (586 miles)
2) Oldest family member present: Luella Schindler (91)
3) Youngest family member present: Harvey Duke (10 months).
There were no guests this year.

Hilton Sander read the 1962 minutes from 50 years ago. Michele Hibbs read the 2011 minutes.

Treasurer Jacob Modlin reported a balance of $120. A basket will be put out for a free will offering.

The roll call of the family was read by members of each family. Thirty-four were present.

The family was blessed to have the following first cousins present: Marilyn Grauberger, Wayne Schindler, Dwight Schindler, Bill Schindler, and Lee Schneider.

With sadness Linda read the names of deceased family members: Gary Schneider, a memorial was given by Wayne Schindler; Bob Wood, a memorial given by David Schindler; Deloris Schindler, a memorial given by Wayne Schindler and Marilyn Grauberger; Dan Elkins, a memorial given by David Schindler; Miriam Sander Miller, a memorial given by Debra Sander Burnett; and William "Bill" Crawford, a memorial given by Wayne Schindler.

Linda welcomed new members by marriage: Karl Knoll, husband of Lisa Schneider, Lindsay Thornhill, wife of David, and Taucha Marie Silk, wife of Kyle.

By birth: Adria Grace and Kaden Rose Lane, daughters of Amy and Curtis; Kelly Nicole McDonnell, daughter of Ryan and Heidi; Connor William Thorne, son of Steven and Erin; Shaylin Sue Keith, daughter of Hollie and Clinton; Stella Marie Silk, daughter of Kyle and Taucha; and Harvey Christopher Duke, son of Summer and Shawn.

Discussed going back to catering the meal. Update the Web Site and to meet at Clair Church. The President thanked Lee and Nina Schneider for their continued efforts in providing information for the Schindler Family Book.

Discussed any changes to make a difference for the Reunion. Chairman of the Nominating Committee provided the following names of 2013 officers:
PRESIDENT — Hilton Sander
VICE-PRESIDENT — Michele Hibbs
SECRETARY — Jacob Modlin
TREASURER — Larry Grauberger.

The group approved the slate of officers.

Linda announced the date of the 85th Reunion: July 27, 2013, the Saturday before the 4th Sunday, at Clair United Methodist church beginning at 3:00 p.m., followed by a catered meal at 5:30 p.m. and then a family meeting. Bill Schindler closed with prayer and we then sang "Blest be the Tie that Binds."

Michele Hibbs, Secretary


World Series: Boston Red Sox

Best Picture: 12 Years a Slave

July, 2013

The 85th H.F. Schindler Reunion was held at Clair United Methodist Church on Sunday, July 28th, beginning with a time of fellowship. The delicious meal at 1 p .m. was prepared and served by the Starlight Circle of Clair Church. (The reunion was moved to Sunday this year only because of a Saturday afternoon wedding in the Clarence Schindler family.)

The business meeting was called to order by the president, Hilton Sander.

Wayne Schindler and Debra Burnett, accompanist, led us in singing grandmother Schindler’s favorite hymn, "Saved by Grace."

The president acknowledged family changes. New members by marriage were Andrew Kennedy, husband of Sadie Dahle, Jeffrey DeGhelder, husband of Lara Miller, Owen Gray, husband of Grace Gillaspie and Michael Decker, husband of Christine Shepherd.

New members by birth were Lorelei Kay, daughter of Philip and Jessica Chapman Zemler; Casper Dale, son of Ryan and Brittany Travers Browne; Connor Thomas, son of Nathan and Sara Miller Blair and Harvey Christopher, son of Shawn and Summer Sander Duke.

Deceased family members were Richard Schneider, son of Nelson Schneider; Luella Schneider Schindler, wife of Kenneth Schindler and Travis Billings, husband of Jill Murawski Billings. A brief tribute to the deceased was given by Hilton Sander and Meredith Kapp.

Recognition was given to Jo Still, guest of Bill Schindler.

First cousins present were Dwight Schindler, Wayne Schindler, and Bill Schindler.

Oldest member present was Bill Schindler, youngest member present was Debra Burnett, the member who traveled the farthest was Bill Schindler, Forney, TX.

The 2013 roll totaled 442 names. The eighteen members present represented seven original family members. The original family names were called one at a time by the secretary. Attending family members shared information about the various families within that group.

Dwight Schindler, acting treasurer, reported new contributions of $75. $106 was carried over from 2012 making a total of $181. $125 was donated for the use of Clair Church. Balance for 2014 is $56.

The group agreed to hold the 2014 Reunion on Saturday, July 26. Gathering will be any time after 3 p.m. with a catered meal at 5 p.m. The family meeting will follow the meal.

Officers were announced for 2014.
President: Michele Hibbs
Vice-president: Jacob Modlin
Secretary: Larry Grauberger
Treasurer: Meredith Kapp

The reunion concluded as the family formed a friendship circle and sang "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." Dwight Schindler offered the benediction.

Nina Schneider, Acting Secretary for Jacob Modlin


World Series: San Francisco Giants

Best Picture: Birdman

July, 2014

The 86th H.F. Schlndler Reunion was held at Hope Evangelical and Reformed Church on Saturday, July 4th, beginning with a time of fellowship. The delicious meal, a covered dish provided by those In attendance. (The reunion this year was moved to the 4th of July week end enabling the Kenneth Schlndler family to participate.)

Blessing before meal given by Rod Sanders Call to Order The business meeting was called to order by the president, MIchele Hibbs. Singing of grandmother Schlndler's favorite hymn, "Saved by Grace."

Reading of the Minutes by secretary, Larry Grauberger The Minutes were approved as read.

Membership Changes

The president acknowledged family changes.

New members by marriage were: Jo Nell Schlndler, wife of Bill
John Michael Husband of Jean Silk Stephanie Sander, wife of Dustin

New members by birth were:
Leila Annmarle Nllges, Daughter of Joseph and Jessica Abels
Collin Drew Keith son of Hollle and Keith
Benton Jude Priest son of son of Alison and Billy Jack

Deceased family members were:
Henry Schneider, Calvin Schlndler Family
Lucile Schneider, Selma Schlndler Family
Lee T. Schneider, Jr, Josephine Schlndler Schneider Family

Memorial for Henry Schneider was given by Bill Schlndler Memorial for Lucile Schneider was given by Marilyn Grauberger.
Memorial for Lee T. Schneider, Jr. was given by Wayne Schlndler.

First cousins present were BIN Schlndler, Marilyn Schlndler Grauberger, Wayne Schlndler, and Dwight Schlndler.

Oldest member present was Bill Schlndler; youngest member present was Benton Jude Priest.

Member who traveled the farthest was Douglas, New Jersey. 24 members of the Kenneth Schlndler Family were in attendance.

The 2014 roll totalled 446 names. The eighteen members present represented seven original family members. The original family names were called one at a time by the secretary. Attending family members shared information about the various families within that group. Of the 446 members on the roll, they represent by family: Selma 72, Calvin 82, Alex 0, Frank 66, Charles 13, Alice 82, Elmer 31, Joephine 8, CLarence 39, and Everett 53. (Thanks to Nina Schneider for providing this information!)

Meredith Kapp, treasurer, reported a beginning balance of $56. Donations: $208. Total: $264. $100 to Hope and a new balance of $164.

Wayne Schindler made a motion that the 2015 reunion be held on the fourth Saturday of July, July 25, 2015. The motion was seconded and the members voted to adopt the motion.

Officer were announced for 2015.
President: Jacob Modlin
Vice-president: Larry Grauberger
Secretary: Meredith Kapp
Trasurer: Michael Modlin

Old Business/New Business
Request that email and address changes be provided to Karl Schindler. It would be most helpful if we could give the executive officers feedback regarding the reading of the "roll call." For this reunion, we were asked to identify the original member's name (e.g., Selma, then Leslie Schneider, (2nd born if living and 3rd born), then Lois Wood and Daryl Schneider). Then ask if anyone is present from that family. If so, ask for a member of person present and record it on the roll sheet. Then ask them to introduce the persons present. If no one from that family is present, ask if anyone present can give news of the called family. We always need email and regular addresses. The other names are not called. Then go on to the next family. (The second born names are in italics, the 3rd born, grandchildren and underlined. Deseased members are in brackets [ ]). Hopefully this will help us keep families organized in our minds.

The reunion concluded as the family formed a friendship circle and sang "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." David Schindler offered the benediction.

Ice cream was then served.

Larry Grauberger, Secretary


World Series: Kansas City Royals

Best Picture: Spotlight

July, 2015

The H. F. Schindler Family gathered at Clair United Methodist Church, July 25, 2015, at 4 p.m. for a time of fellowship followed by a pot luck meal at 5 p.m. Rod Sander gave the meal blessing.

The business meeting was called to order by President Jacob Modlin. Following tradition, he invited the group to stand and sing Grandmother Schindler’s favorite hymn, "Saved by Grace."

Larry Grauberger read the minutes from fifty years ago. Secretary pro-tem read the 2014 minutes. They were approved with the corrections of changing the name Hope Evangelical and Reformed Church to Hope United Church of Christ and adding Karl's email address.

Treasurer's Report was presented by treasurer pro-tem:
Balance from 2014: $164.00
Donations today: $137.00
Total: $301.00

The 2015 roll call totaled 448 names-23 members were present. Members by family: Selma (72), Calvin (83), Frank (67), Charles (13), Alice (81), Elmer (32), Josephine (8), Clarence (39), and Everett (53).

President Jacob acknowledged the following: first cousins and spouses in attendance – Nina Schneider, Bill/Jo Schindler, Marilyn/Larry Grauberger, Wayne Schindler, Dwight/Pat Schindler. Oldest member present: Bill Schindler. Youngest member present: Drew Hibbs. Member who traveled the farthest: Graubergers (CO) and Barbara Armstrong (IN). The President presented 2015 membership changes that had been collected by Nina Schneider. Nina shared with the group that she has hard copies of the changes available including new pages for the marriages. She can also email an electronic version of the full book to any interested person.

By marriage: Taylor Land Wilson, wife of Brooks Patrick Wilson; Vanessa Schindler, wife of Barton Douglas Schindler
By birth: Landon Lewis Schindler, son of Anthony & Lindsay Schindler; Robert James Kennedy, son of Sadie Ann & Andrew Kennedy
By death: Lois Schneider Wood

A memorial for Lois was given by Nina and Wayne gave a memorial for Warren Hartman who had been a pastor at Clair for many years and was close to the Schindler Family.

Old Business: none

New Business: Motion was made to have the reunion next year on July 2, gathering at 12 and meal will be served at 1 pm. (Nina, Wayne) Passed
The group asked the treasurer to donate $100 to Clair Church.

Wayne Sschindler presented the slate of officers for 2015
President: Larry Grauberger
V. President: Meredith Kapp
Secretary: Michael Modlin
Treasurer: Karl Schindler

Terri Modlin presented a letter from the Stuber family asking the Schindler Family to help financially with hiring a tree trimming company for Nebo Cemetery. Hilton and Roger Ford were willing to serve on a committee to help. Hilton will talk to County Commissioner Ron Hook about the county's obligation. Terri will email the group about findings. Terri also asked about interest in a 90th Celebration for the Schindler Family. It was suggested that a committee could be formed with one person from each family group.

The group joined in a Friendship Circle and sang "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" followed by a Benediction given by Dwight Schindler. Wayne had brought ice cream so the group enjoyed cake/ice cream!

Secretary Pro-tem Marva Murawski


World Series: Chicago Cubs

Best Picture: Moonlight

July, 2016

The H. F. Schindler Family gathered at Clair United Methodist Church, July 2, 2016, at 12 p.m. for a time of fellowship followed by a pot luck meal at 1 p.m.

Wayne Schindler gave the meal blessing.

The business meeting was called to order by President Larry Grauberger at 2 p.m. Following tradition, the singing of Grandmother Schindler’s favorite hymn, "Saved by Grace" was led by Karl, Anne, and Wayne Schindler.

Meredith Kapp, Vice President, read the minutes from fifty years ago.

Michael Modlin Secretary, read the 2015 meeting minutes. They were approved as presented.

The 2016 roll call included over 450 names-with 30 members present.

President Larry Grauberger acknowledged the following: first cousins and spouses in attendance. Larry Grauberger, Janet Schindler, Wayne Schindler, Dwight & Pat Schindler. Oldest member present: Roger Ford. Youngest member present: Ben Priest. Member who traveled the farthest: Priest family (SC) and Karl & Anne Schindler (AZ).

The President presented 2016 membership changes that had been collected by Terri Modlin. Terri will try to get updates to the book and page changes prepared soon and will email the group to find out who would like them.

By marriage: Jerrod Cooper Maher, husband of Tricia Corn Cook

By birth: Sally Margaret Sander and Annabelle Grace Sander, twin daughters of Dustin and Stephanie Sander

By death: Dee Lois Sander Filipiak, Marilyn Schindler Grauberger, Nina Cox Schneider, James Leroy Chapman, and Brian Lloyd Schneider.

Family members shared thoughts, accomplishments and memories about Dee, Marilyn and Nina during a time of reflection for these dear family members.

Treasurer's Report was presented by Karl Schindler:
Balance from 2016: $201.00
Donations today: $50.00
Total: $251.00
The group asked the treasurer to donate $100 to Clair Church.

Old Business: Update on the Mt. Nebo Cemetery. This is now surrounded by a small housing development which provides good access and maintenance. Wayne reported that the cemetery is now in good condition.

Possible 90th anniversary celebration discussed and the need for a committee to be formed. The date of July 21-22, 2018 was discussed as the timing for the reunion.

New Business: The group decided to hold the 2017 meeting on the 4th Saturday, July 22nd at the time of the meeting. However, due to scheduling conflicts with the officers, the meeting was moved to Saturday, July 1st.

Dwight Schindler presented the slate of officers for 2017:
President: Meredith Kapp
Vice President: Michael Modlin
Secretary: Karl Schindler
Treasurer: Michael Gillaspie

The group joined in a Friendship Circle and sang "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" followed by a Benediction given by Dwight. Wayne had brought ice cream so the group enjoyed cake and ice cream following the meeting.

Secretary Michael Modlin


World Series: Houston Astros

Best Picture: The Shape of Water

July, 2017


July, 2018


July, 2019


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